179-W4-China issue
Water: All dried up- Courtesy of The Economist
1.Where does “choking smog” refer to? 嗆人的煙蹣指涉那邊?
2. What events are referred with “food poisoned with heavy metals”? 哪些事件涉及食物含重金屬?
3.The alarming regional disparity of water.水資源如何不均?
4.Yangzi river中文?
5.Yellow River中文?
6.Where is the cradle of Chinese civilization?
7.Where were 300 corpses found? 哪裡發現300具浮屍
8.coal-fired power stations中文?
9.Three Gorges dam 背景知識
10. South-North Water Diversion Project -What are the three new channels? When will they be finished? Which one is the most controversial? Why? 三條新水道為何? 何時完工? 哪條最具爭議性?
11. Who is the best known environmental activist? 誰是最為人熟知的環保義士?