
171-W2-Pork文章裡,我們於課堂上討論到蔡正元說不是他送檢的,但卻說肉品是從超市購得。然而另一方面,義美實驗室卻又有保密條款,不能公告委託人。而這個新的新聞正好解答了我們的疑惑。然而卻與原文理提到的"we cannot comment on test results or give the results to people who are not our clients”部分有所衝突。

誰送義美檢驗豬肉?Peter現身 | 瘦肉精風暴狂掃 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網



Peter Li claims there was no conspiracy behind release of I-Mei inspection report

By Grace Soong--“Concerned citizen” Peter Li (李世勛) yesterday confirmed that he did give Kuomintang (KMT) Legislator Tsai Cheng-yuan (蔡正元) the I-Mei Food Co. meat product inspection report, the source of an ongoing controversy. 


The inspection was initiated by I-Mei, and it was never a governmental scheme to diverge from the heated U.S. beef topic, Li said, and expressed regret for having caused so much trouble for the lawmaker.

Li used to work under I-Mei President Kao Chih-ming (高志明), and the two remained friends after Li left I-Mei. According to Li, Kao gave him the inspection report last week. When he realized how critical the results were, he immediately advised Kao to pass on the information to the government, which Kao had already done.

Li also intended to provide some legislators with the data in the report — “since legislators are supposed to monitor the government,” he said. Kao disagreed, saying the timing was not right.

Later on, Li mentioned the report to Tsai, who did not seem to be concerned. On Monday, March 12, upon the Executive Yuan's mentioning in a press release that “the government has received reports that some pork in the markets is detected to contain leanness enhancers, such as salbutamol,” Tsai contacted Li and requested the statistics contained in the report.

Li passed on the information to Tsai without Kao's permission. He erased the “I-Mei General Manager Room” writings on the report so Kao would not be bothered, he said.

Tsai was the only legislator he provided the report, and he had never imagined that Tsai would pass out the information to the media, in addition to using it as evidence to back up questioning the government in the Legislative Yuan, Li said.

He immediately protested to Tsai and apologized to Kao after the leanness-enhanced pork issue broke out. Kao felt victimized. Everyone who knows Kao knew that Kao hates unrighteousness, Li said, pledging that the man would never scheme over domestic pork to safe U.S. imported beef.

Although he does not regret providing a legislator with the inspection results, Li said he felt regret and was apologetic toward Kao for the situation that developed.

Li had once served as an advisor to the Taipei City Government during President Ma Ying-jeou's term as Taipei City Mayor. This only dampened the opposing party's belief that the inspection report, appearing when it did, was part of a scheme.

Li served in the Taipei City Government as one of the several hundred advisors to Ma when he was mayor but left the advisor position after publicly criticizing the government for alleged corrupt practices. He never stayed long at any other governmental advisor positions after because of his opinions.

  According to Lai, the statement that Ma knows Li is just ludicrous, adding that there are 200 to 300 advisors in the Taipei City Government, and they always separate into groups during discussions.

  Lai questioned how Ma, as mayor, who only came by to greet the group annually, would have met Li when Lai, head of the advisor group, had never been grouped with Li.

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