Courtesy of Bloomberg News

 RDA Holding Co., publisher of the 91-year-old Reader’s Digest magazine, 1)filed for bankruptcy today to cut $465 million in 2)debt and focus on North American 3)operations as consumers shift from print to electronic media.

 後記:繼Newsweek的紙本版絕版後,其他的平面媒體業者,亦受到電子媒體的衝擊!後續應該還會有其他相關媒體報導,大家可以follow up!


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Chinese 1)air pollution
Clearing the air?
Authorities in the capital respond to public pressure

Jan 14th 2012 | BEIJING |From the print edition –Courtesy of The Economist

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Why Facebook Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself-Courtesy of Time Magazine

No surprise — those Facebook photos of your friends on vacation or celebrating a birthday party that can make you feel 1)lousy.

Facebook 2)is supposed to 3)envelope us in the warm 4)embrace of our social network, and 5)scanning friends’ pages is supposed to make us feel loved, supported and important (at least in the lives of those we like). But 6)skimming through photos of friends’ life successes can trigger feelings of  7)envy, 8)misery and 9) loneliness as well, according to researchers from two German universities. The scientists studied 600 people who logged time on the social network and discovered that one in three felt worse after visiting the site—especially if they viewed vacation photos. Facebook 10)frequenters who spent time on the site without posting their own content were also more likely to feel dissatisfied.


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尾牙一般用Year End Party,也有同學提供是Lucky Draw Party
抽獎多半用Lucky draw

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Bank of Japan sets 2-percent 1)inflation target, 2)'open-ended' asset purchases-Courtesy of The China Post

TOKYO -- Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a “monetary 3)regime change” Tuesday as the central bank 4)bowed to government pressure, setting a 2 percent inflation target aimed at helping the country emerge from its prolonged 5)bout of 6)deflation.

“This opens a passageway toward bold monetary easing,” Abe told reporters after the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and government jointly announced the inflation target and plans for “open-ended” central bank asset purchases similar to the strategy followed by the U.S. Federal Reserve to keep market interest rates low.


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妥瑞氏症 Tourette Syndrome,我們過去在班上看過這個相關的影片介紹。這次又因緣際會相遇,在此分享,想要認識Tourette Syndrome的同學,一定要看,不容錯過。記得準備衛生紙擦眼淚,好感人阿!

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Ang Lee 1)claws in 11 Oscar nominations-Courtesy of The China Post

By Michael Thurston ,AFP January 11, 2013, 12:01 am TWN

LOS ANGELES -- Steven Spielberg's 2)taut political drama “Lincoln,” about the 16th U.S. president's drive to 3)abolish 4)slavery during the American 5)Civil War, is in the 6)driver's seat for the Oscars with 12 nominations.

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Australia 1)bracing for 'worst ever' fire danger
By Amy Coopes, AFP
January 8, 2013, 12:01 am TWN

SYDNEY--Australians were bracing Monday for what officials warned could be the worst fire danger day ever seen, as police searched for some 100 people still missing in 2)ravaged Tasmania.

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The fiscal cliff
Barack Obama's dual agenda
Dec 20th 2012, 16:48 by M.S. --Courtesy of The Economist

1)AMBIGUITY 2)reigns in the twisting, turning dramatic series that is the 3)fiscal-cliff negotiations. On Monday, it appeared Barack Obama and John Boehner 4)were close to a deal.5) Liberals were angered by some of the apparent 6)concessions: raising the income 7)threshold at which 8)tax increases 9)kick in from $250,000 to $400,000 per year.

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Mayan Calendar: NASA Releases “Why the World Didn’t End Yesterday” Video Too Early

20121213at 3:39 pm by Sam Dwyer Posted in News,

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