"Nothing's harder than doing something for which you know you're going to take shit." -Charlie

明知不可為而為之的正直堅持,著實讓人感動。這兩天在HBO的Newsroom影集最後一集看到了greater fools的討論。這集裡面討論了Tea Party/Republican的許多議題,當然新聞背後的運作是傳播學者的關注焦點。但是如果沒有對美國的政治、政黨背景有所瞭解,沒有瞭解其
引用唐吉軻德的對話,來闡釋greater fools的概念,則無法體會這一集有多麼動人。

我們在上課討論新聞英語的時候,沒有完全只看句子或是句型,而是希望透過對文化的理解,增加對新聞的詮釋。這樣的堅持,或許誠如此影集前來應徵的 intern 與Charlie的對話,"Why are you here?"… "Because I want to be one [of the greater fools]"

希望大家能秉持電影Pay It Forward(讓愛傳出去)裡面的精神,從自己開始,為了自己認為是對的事、好的事,做出小小的堅持 (being a greater fool),讓這個社會更美麗。與大家共勉之!

Most people look down on the Greater Fool. And yet, ironically, this whole country [The U.S] was made by Greater Fools, in their prime and attempting to succeed where others have failed, even contrary to an agitated public‘s incessant dismaying…Courtesy of examiner.com

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