
1)WTO delegate denies 2)ceding ground in 3)talks-Courtesy of The China Post

photos-courtesy of Apple Daily

The nation's newly 4)appointed representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Lai Shin-yuan, defended herself yesterday after lawmakers called on President
Ma Ying-jeou to 5)rescind her appointment.
Earlier, lawmakers urged President Ma to 6)retract the appointment due to Lai's 7)alleged failure to safeguard the Republic of China's 8)sovereignty when negotiating for Taiwan's entrance into the world trade body in 2001.

1)WTO n. World Trade Organization 世界貿易組織
2)ceding ground 讓步 cede v.退讓 常見同義:yield/concede/relinquish
3)talks n. 談判、對談、協商。 常見同義:discussion/agreement/negotiation/meeting
美牛事件就叫做 beef talks
4)appointed adj 指派的、任命的
5)rescind v 取消、撤回 近似 withdraw
6)retract v 同上rescind
7)alleged adj 宣稱的,這個字含有沒被定罪的意思。
8)sovereignty n. 主權,重要單字。


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