週六時還說,距離下期放假兩週,喜歡八卦的人,可以追追公主(Kate)與王子(William)到Singapore的故事,沒想到這次是可怕的上空照(Topless photo)緋聞(Scandal),狗仔隊(Paparazzi )真是太可怕了。這次應該會比Justin Lee (李宗瑞)的鬧的更大,這是全球版的。所以大家可以一邊啃八卦一邊學英文。記得不要cross the red line囉!
(photo -Courtesy of mydoc hub)
首先,當然要來看看超級八卦Daily Mail的連環圖片與video報導影片如下,連偷拍地點都標出來了,真是”灰熊厲害”!:
不過其文字不大適合學英文,所以文字的部分選用things news的報導如下:
Closer magazine 1)reveals 2)topless Kate Middleton images
A French magazine has revealed it is to publish topless pictures of Kate Middleton, prompting outrage at 3)BuckinghamPalace.
The images are being treated as 4)a breach of privacy by the royal family, whose UK-based lawyers are currently talking to their French lawyers and exploring ways to prevent 5)publication.
The Duchess and her husband Prince William discovered over breakfast that the French version of Closer is planning to 6)run the pictures, which were taken during the royal couple’s holiday inFrancelast week. The Prince is said to be “7)furious”, according to the BBC, and the royal couple believe 8)a “red line” has been crossed.
1)reveal |
v |
揭露 |
2)topless |
adj |
上空,上半身沒有穿衣服 |
3)BuckinghamPalace |
n |
白金漢宮,做為英國皇室代稱。 |
4)a breach of privacy |
侵犯隱私 |
5)publication |
n. |
出版 |
6)run the pictures |
刊出這些照片 |
7)furious |
adj |
非常生氣、盛怒 |
8)a “red line” has been crossed.
跨過紅色線,就是越過了警戒線。在這裡就是做得太過火了。 |