目前分類:171-W4-TAIEX tumbles (3)

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昨天跟同學們提到The Economist 關於oil prices 的文章,這篇似乎預告著中油上漲油價。裡面有精彩的各國耗油地圖,不容錯過

Oil prices
Keeping it to themselves-Courtesy of The Economist

Gulf states not only pump oil; they burn it, too

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171-W4-TAIEX Listening

photo / courtesy of dipity.com



Mandy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

明天文章出爐,來看看台灣股市的行情,順便複習股市的相關新聞術語!See you in class!


TAIEX tumbles NT$700 billion in three sessions-Courtesy of The China Post

Friday, April 6, 2012

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