

但口語,尤其是在flirting的畫面時,常會出現you naughty boy/girl,但就不是淘氣的意思,
比較靠近中文的 "你好壞"用來打情罵俏。

2.parent-在此當動詞用 parenting 就是教養子女,美國有本有名的雜誌就是parenting

美國有個較新的影集就是 parenthood,也是講親子教養的。
3.mother bear and her cub 小熊是cub許多動物母子的說法都不同,比如cat/kitten/kitty; dog/puppy(一歲以下)。

相關最有名的書是 Little Bear 系列,非常好看,適合初階閱讀,是值得珍藏的童書(我有買,百念不膩)

Meet Little Bear, a friend to millions of children. And meet Mother Bear, who is⋯⋯ there whenever Little Bear needs her. When it is cold and snowy outside, she finds just the right outfit for Little Bear to play in. When he goes to the moon, she has a hot lunch waiting for him on his return. At ...更多


父母英文說法會將father 及Mother 放在前面,所以是mother bear/mother goose.
4.discipline 管教
5 英式英文 mum/ mummy 美式 mom/ mommy

原文出處英國的太陽報The Sun


This mum won't tolerate
bad bear-haviour

Paw behaviour ... polar bear cub Augo gets a 'telling off' from mum Malik
Arctic-king off ... polar bear cub Augo gets a rollicking from mum Malik

SUPERNANNY would be proud of this polar bear's parenting techniques.

First it looks as though relations have hit freezing point between a mother bear and her cub — as she appears to give him a roaring telling off.

But then mum Malik seems to be following the naughty step technique — as she discplines little Augo just like parents in TV nanny Jo Frost's show before moving on to the apology stage.

The one-year-old bear looks suitably sorry as he leans in to hug his mummy.


'Sorry' ... Augo gives mum a big bear hug
'Sorry' ... Augo gives mum a big bear hug

The pictures were taken by Sussi Kober at Aalborg Zoo in Denmark.

The zoo worker said: "Augo is a playful little bear and enjoys playing around and being mischievous.

"Sometimes it seems as if he is testing his mother, but he will always win her over with some affection — or a big hug."



[國際] 惹媽咪生氣啦!北極熊寶寶送「熊抱」求原諒

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