大家早,我很喜歡這段訪談影片。我覺得蘇俄的Paris Hilton (Ksenia Sobchak) 實在機智過人),雖然我不知道是否有事先採排之類,但是她的回答真的很得宜,她的裝扮也一改她之前的辣妹作風,適合目前的身份。當主持人問到她這樣如何服眾時,她也承認自己的改變可能引起的質疑。新聞內引用她回答主持人問說他是否反對普丁,她說她不是反對普丁而是反對系統(引用新聞的最後一段)。我只能說她真是太厲害了,不愧是政治世家出身,未來的蘇俄新星!
新聞短播(20120920)-蘇俄的Paris Hilton
Russia's "1)Paris Hilton" turned political 2)reformer
目前分類:新聞短播 (94)
- Sep 20 Thu 2012 09:12
# 新聞短播(20120920)-蘇俄的Paris Hilton
- Sep 19 Wed 2012 10:25
# 新聞短播(20120919)美不勝收的蜻蜓
這真是太美了,順便學學蜻蜓的英文叫做dragonfly,新聞裡還有出現corn fly 玉米蒼蠅(直譯)dew 露水
Courtesy of Daily Mail
Here's looking at dew: The dragonflies which pose for their picture as they take their daily shower

- Sep 18 Tue 2012 16:36
# 新聞短播(20120918)可愛的小熊貓誕生囉
The National Zoo’s female giant 1)panda 2)gave birth to a 3)cub Sunday night, 4)stunning and delighting zoo officials: http://wapo.st/S33RJn
1)panda n. 熊貓
- Sep 12 Wed 2012 10:36
# 新聞短播(20120912)12歲男孩英勇救全家
Hello, 大家都好嗎?前兩天看到這個新聞真是百感交集,但礙於時間有限無法馬上貼上來。這位男孩成功的就了全家,但萬一他失敗了呢?又是另一種新聞。在危急的情況下,我們的反應為何?
12-Year-old 1)Steers Car to Safety After Dad Has 2)Seizure on Highway
The boy has been 3)hailed a hero for saving his family
By Samantha Grossman | @sam_grossman | September 9, 2012
- Sep 06 Thu 2012 14:45
# 新聞短播(20120906)今天的主題是關於中產階級
繼Michelle Obama之後,Clinton出場,誠如Ray在上一則給大家的美國選戰update所言,柯林頓是為了未來鋪路。(他與歐巴馬的嫌隙主要在經濟上,以前課堂有討論過)。
Courtesy of The New York Times
- Sep 05 Wed 2012 15:54
# 新聞短播(20120905) 蜜雪兒歐巴馬 在民主黨大會演講
看完了共和黨(Republican)Romney的Acceptance Speech,緊接著就是Democratic National Convention。剛上演的就是Michelle Obama 在DNC上的演講.。我們在此的目的是學習政治新聞英語,個人的政治立場先放一邊喔! 並非個人喜好政治版,而是美國大選在即,難得學習的好機會,不要錯過囉!
- Sep 04 Tue 2012 15:48
# 新聞短播(20120904)Romney接受共和黨的總統候選人提名
(Article-Courtesy of The China Post)
Romney 接受提名的新聞Lead。
- Sep 02 Sun 2012 14:56
# 新聞短播(20120902)Romney 在共和黨全國代表大會接受提名的演講與評論
- Sep 02 Sun 2012 12:59
# 新聞短播(20120902)為什麼我們還要再給歐巴馬四年的機會?
(article/photo-courtesy of Time Magazine)
MICHAEL SCHERER: What is your message for the 1)independent voter who supported you from Ohio or Iowa in 2008 because he thought you could 2)change the tone in Washington, change politics? Did you do something wrong? And why will the next four years be different?
- Sep 02 Sun 2012 12:53
# 新聞短播(20120902)歐巴馬說:我們已經盡力做到最好
(Courtesy of The Economist)
- Aug 27 Mon 2012 12:35
# 新聞短播(20120827)六項專利侵權,三星判賠蘋果10億5千萬美元 (USD1.05 bn)
六項專利侵權,三星判賠蘋果10億5千萬美元 (USD1.05 bn)
~ from the WSJ, 20120825
- Aug 15 Wed 2012 00:13
#新聞短播 (20120815)好奇號的新照片
來看好奇號(Curiosity Rover)在火星(Mars)上拍的新照片,YA! 看起來,Robotic arm 的 brush 已經發揮了功效了,已經沒有灰塵(dust)囉。還是NASA照片處理過了呢??
(好奇號拍來的新照片來囉,不看可惜喔!Panoramas from Mars
Panoramas n. 全景畫,很像走馬燈的圖案喔 點Courtesy of TheWashingtonPost過去看全圖)
Scientists say the ancient Martian crater where the Curiosity rover landed has Earth-like similarities calling to mind the Mojave Desert inCalifornia.
- Aug 13 Mon 2012 15:18
# 新聞短播 (20120813)奧運閉幕式
上上週,在奧運開幕式(Opening Ceremony)提到Spice Girls 可能會在閉幕式(Closing Ceremony)出現,四金咧!好快地,奧運就結束了。
Courtesy of -The New York Times
The Spice Girls reunited at the closing ceremonies of the London Olympics. (Chang W. Lee/The New York Times)
- Aug 01 Wed 2012 15:59
# 新聞短播(20120801)十人因奧運黃牛票被起訴
London 2012: Ten 1)charged over Olympic 2)ticket touting -Courtesy of BBC
photo-Courtesy of MSN News
Ten people have been charged in an 3)inquiry into ticket touting at the Olympics, the Metropolitan Police said.
- Jul 30 Mon 2012 12:33
# 新聞短播(20120730)-許淑淨奧運舉重奪銀
Hsu Shu-ching 1)claims weightlifting silver
Chinese Taipei's Hsu Shu-ching (許淑淨) won silver in women's weightlifting at the London Olympics late yesterday.
She 2)snatched 96 kilograms and lifted 123 kilograms in the 3)clean and jerk for a total of 219 kilograms, which placed her behind Kazakhstan's Zulfiya Chinshanlo but before Christina Iovu of the Republic of Moldova.
Earlier the Russian women's 4)archery team knocked out the Chinese Taipei 5)trio in a tense 6)quarterfinals shoot-off at the historic Lord's Cricket Ground.
Conditions were picture-perfect yesterday afternoon, as the sun broke out from overcast skies just before the round.
- Jul 17 Tue 2012 15:05
1)Protests as Clinton holds meetings in Egypt-Courtesy of CNN
From Elise Labott, CNN
July 16, 2012 -- Updated 2007 GMT (0407 HKT)
- Jun 27 Wed 2012 14:46
# 新聞短播(20120627)-埃及情況岌岌可危
The Arab spring
Egypt in 1)peril-Courtesy of The Economist
- Jun 26 Tue 2012 14:20
# 新聞短播(20120626)恐懼仍籠罩著日本災區的漁民
Fears 1)Accompany Fishermen in Japanese 2)Disaster Region-Courtesy of The New York Times
Kosuke Okahara for The New York Times
- Jun 22 Fri 2012 11:57
# 新聞短播(20120622)-西班牙公債需求,不惜高利率
- Jun 13 Wed 2012 14:27
# 新聞短播(20120613)-台北暴雨郝慢激怒民怨
Taipei rain response 1)vexes locals-Courtesy of Taipei Times
WAIT, SEE, WAIT MORE: Students and workers were unhappy with Hau Lung-bin’s decision to cancel work and classes at 10am, when they had already begun their day
By Mo Yan-chih / Staff reporter